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The CFTC Approves Part 40 Final Rule to Simplify and Enhance Rule and Product Submission Processes


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Release Number 8966-24

The CFTC Approves Part 40 Final Rule to Simplify and Enhance Rule and Product Submission Processes

September 12, 2024

Washington, D. C. — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission approved a final rule to amend Part 40 of the CFTC’s regulations. The regulations in Part 40 implement Section 5c(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act and govern how registered entities submit self-certifications, and requests for approval, of their rules, rule amendments, and new products for trading and clearing, as well as the CFTC’s review and processing of such submissions.

The amendments are intended to clarify, simplify and enhance the utility of the Part 40 regulations for registered entities, market participants and the CFTC.

The final rule is effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. -CFTC-

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