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Tentative issuance schedule for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) issued today (14 February) a tentative issuance schedule for Exchange Fund Bills and Notes (EFBNs) for the coming quarter of April to June 2025. The schedule contains information on the tentative tender dates, issue sizes and issue dates of individual issues, representing rollover of maturing issues and taking into account planned adjustments to the maturity spectrum of the EFBN portfolio.

The quarterly schedule is issued in the second month of each quarter (i. e. February, May, August and November), covering the EFBN tenders in the following quarter.

It should be noted that the tender dates, issue sizes and issue dates projected in the advance issuance schedule are tentative. The details of new issues of Exchange Fund Bills are to be confirmed and announced at least 4 business days prior to the respective tender dates. The details of new issues of Exchange Fund Notes are to be confirmed and announced 7 business days prior to their respective tender dates. The HKMA may make changes in the light of prevailing market conditions. Hong Kong Monetary Authority 14 February 2025

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