Reaching Out to the Community – PCPD’s Representative Attends HKFYG’s 65th Anniversary Luncheon and Neighbour Fest
Date: 28 January 2025
Reaching Out to the Community –
PCPD’s Representative Attends HKFYG’s 65th Anniversary Luncheon and
Neighbour Fest
Assistant Privacy Commissioner for Personal
Data (Corporate Communications and Compliance), Ms Joyce LAI Chi-man,
attended the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups’ (HKFYG) 65th
Anniversary Luncheon and Neighbour Fest on 25 January and exchanged
views with different stakeholders who attended the luncheon.
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
(PCPD) organised seminars for the education sector and parents from
time to time. The HKFYG supported the PCPD by sending representatives
to speak at the seminars to share their experience on the handling of
cyberbullying cases.
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