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New Confederation bonds

Federal Finance Administration

Bern, 10. 09. 2024 - The Swiss Confederation is offering two bonds on a public tender system on 11. 09. 2024: 0. 50%, maturity 27. 06. 2032 (reopening) and 1. 50%, maturity 26. 10. 2038 (reopening).

Interest rate: 0. 50% Maturity: 27. 06. 2032 Amount: will be fixed after all bids are submitted.

Auction: 11. 09. 2024/11. 00am Settlement/accrued interest: 25. 09. 2024/88 days ISIN no. : prov. : CH0557779052 Fungible with ISIN no. : CH0344958688 Own holdings of the Confederation: CHF 0 million Interest rate: 1. 50% (green bond) Maturity: 26. 10. 2038 Amount: will be fixed after all bids are submitted.

Auction: 11. 09. 2024/11. 00am Settlement/accrued interest: 25. 09. 2024/329 days ISIN no. : prov. : CH0557779060 Fungible with ISIN no. : CH0440081567 Own holdings of the Confederation: CHF 0 million Reuters: SWIW, Bloomberg: SWIT Offers can be submitted without a price indication; in this case, they will be accepted at the issuing price. After settlement, the reopening tranches will be fungible with the corresponding outstanding bonds.

Address for enquiries

Philipp Rohr, Communications Officer, Federal Finance Administration, tel. +41 58 465 16 06, kommunikation@efv. admin. ch


Federal Finance Administration

http://www. efv. admin. ch

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