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Governors and Heads of Supervision endorse work programme of Basel Committee

The Basel Committee's oversight body endorses the Committee's work programme and strategic priorities for 2025-26. The programme prioritises work on Basel III implementation, emerging risks and vulnerabilities, digitalisation, and liquidity. GHOS members unanimously reaffirm their expectation to implement Basel III in full and consistently.

The Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), the oversight body of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, met on 4 February to endorse the Committee's work programme and strategic priorities for 2025-26.

The key themes of the Committee's 2025-26 work programme include the following:

(i) Basel III implementation;

(ii) Risk assessment and safeguarding resilience, including the ongoing follow- up work in response to the lessons learnt from the March 2023 banking turmoil;

(iii) Digitalisation of finance; and

(iv) Liquidity.

The GHOS also agreed to take stock of the Committee's work on climate-related financial risks later this year.

In undertaking its work, the Committee will continue to collaborate and cooperate with a wide range of stakeholders. This includes ongoing collaboration with other standard-setting bodies and international fora on cross-sectoral financial initiatives. The Committee will also continue to pursue its long-established approach of seeking the views and inputs of a wide range of external stakeholders.

All GHOS members unanimously reaffirmed their commitment to implement Basel III in full and consistently to ensure a global level playing field and to promote the resilience of the global banking system.

Tiff Macklem, Chair of the GHOS and Governor of the Bank of Canada

By promoting global cooperation and pursuing a forward-looking approach to mitigating emerging risks and vulnerabilities affecting the global banking system, the Committee's 2025-26 work programme seeks to further strengthen the regulation, supervision and practices of banks worldwide, promote global financial stability and support long-term economic growth.

Erik Thedéen, Chair of the Basel Committee and Governor of Sveriges Riksbank

Note to editors: 

The Basel Committee is the primary global standard setter for the prudential regulation of banks and provides a forum for cooperation on banking supervisory matters. Its mandate is to strengthen the regulation, supervision and practices of banks worldwide with the purpose of enhancing financial stability. The Committee reports to the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision and seeks its endorsement for major decisions. The Committee has no formal supranational authority, and its decisions have no legal force. Rather, the Committee relies on its members' commitments to achieve its mandate. The Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision is chaired by Tiff Macklem, Governor of the Bank of Canada. The Basel Committee is chaired by Erik Thedéen, Governor of Sveriges Riksbank.

More information about the Basel Committee is available here.

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