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CFTC Staff Issues No-Action Letter Related to Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for Fully Collateralized Binary Options


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Release Number 8960-24

CFTC Staff Issues No- Action Letter Related to Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for Fully Collateralized Binary Options

September 04, 2024

Washington, DC — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced the Division of Market Oversight and the Division of Clearing and Risk have taken a no-action position regarding swap data reporting and recordkeeping regulations in response to a request from LedgerX LLC d/b/a MIAX Derivatives Exchange LLC (MIAXdx), a designated contract market and derivatives clearing organization. The Divisions will not recommend the CFTC initiate an enforcement action against MIAXdx or its participants for certain swap-related recordkeeping requirements and for failure to report data associated with fully collateralized binary option transactions executed on or subject to the rules of MIAXdx to swap data repositories. The no-action letter is comparable to no-action letters issued for other similarly situated designated contract markets and derivatives clearing organizations. -CFTC-

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