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ABS launches anti-scam mascot design competition

Media Release The Association of Banks in Singapore launches anti- scam mascot design competition

Aims to mobilise wider society in fight against scams

Singapore, 16 April 2024 - The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) launched a mascot design competition today to encourage wider participation in the nation’s ongoing fight against scams.

The competition is open to all residents of Singapore, including individuals and organisations. The competition runs from 16 April to 31 May 2024, offering three prizes of $10,000 (1st), $3,000 (2nd), and $2,000 (3rd).

Mrs Ong-Ang Ai Boon, Director of ABS, said: “As banks, the police, government agencies, and community and grassroots bodies continue their efforts to educate the public on scams, we are looking for a mascot that will amplify these efforts and serve as a visual rallying point to unite families, especially children and youth, to ‘ACT against scams’1.

“This competition is not just about designing a cute mascot. It is a call to action for creative minds of all ages to participate in the ongoing, whole-of-society, anti-scam effort, by creating a powerful visual reminder that inspires families to take charge and act against being scammed. ”

Accordingly, the mascot must evoke anti-scam awareness and embody values of savviness, alertness, and vigilance — qualities needed to enjoy the benefits of digitalisation safely and confidently as Singapore progresses as a Smart Nation.

It will serve as a visual cue to remind customers to ‘STOP and CHECK before clicking’. ABS said that it wants the mascot to be visually present in households to keep the anti-scam message top-of-mind among children, adults, and seniors. In circumstances where someone is being socially engineered by a scammer, the mascot could help interrupt his/her thought process and assist in preventing him/her from being defrauded.

The mascot will be used by ABS and its member banks in various anti-scam programmes. It will be deployed across a range of mediums, including animations, digital content, marketing collaterals (such as key chains, fridge magnets, plush toys, car decals), as well as a costumed character for roadshows, school skits and other activities.

The competition will be judged by a panel comprising:

• Mrs Ong-Ang Ai Boon, Director of ABS • Ms Loretta Yuen, Chair of the ABS Standing Committee on Fraud, Customer Education

Workstream, and Head of Group Legal and Compliance, OCBC Bank

• Ms Karen Ngui, Head of Group Strategic Marketing & Communications at ABS Chairman

bank, DBS Bank

1 Minister of State Sun Xueling launched the “I can ACT against scams” national anti-scam campaign during the “SCAMINAR! ACT Against Scams” on 18 January 2023. The national campaign aims to educate and encourage members of the public to translate scam awareness into action by proactively adopting anti-scam measures. ACT outlines three actions that individuals should proactively take to safeguard themselves and our community against scams, namely: a. Add security features such as ScamShield, money lock and two-Factor Authentication for personal bank accounts; b. Check for potential scam signs by asking questions, fact checking requests for personal information and money transfers, and verifying the legitimacy of online listings and reviews; and c. Tell the authorities and others about your scam encounters by reporting to the bank, ScamShield, or by filing a Police report as soon as possible.

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• Mr Ng Khee Jin, Council Member of the National Crime Prevention Council and Creative

Partner, Kheej LLP

• Mr Tommy Lim, Creative Director, SPH Content Lab

Mr Ng Khee Jin said: “We look forward to the submissions, and how the different designs can help us add another dimension in our continued fight against scams. We want to encourage as many people as possible to participate in the competition. ”

Winners will be announced at the ABS Annual Dinner on 28 June 2024.

For more information about the ABS Anti-Scam Mascot Design Competition and how to participate, please visit https://abs. org. sg/consumer-banking/the-anti-scam-mascot- design-competition

Contact Details Ong-Ang Ai Boon (Mrs. ), Director The Association of Banks in Singapore Tel: (65) 6224 4300 Email: banks@abs. org. sg

About the Association of Banks in Singapore

The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) plays an active role in promoting and representing the interests of the banking community in Singapore. In doing so, ABS works closely with the relevant government authorities towards the development of a sound financial system in Singapore. Since its establishment in 1973, ABS has promoted common understanding among its members and projected a unifying voice on banking issues. It has brought its members closer together through various guidelines and banking practices as well as the support of projects of mutual benefit to face the challenges of the financial and banking communities in Singapore. Today, ABS has a membership of over 150 local and foreign banks.

More information on ABS is available on the association’s website, www. abs. org. sg.

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The Competition is organised by The Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS (Association of Banks in Singapore)) to discover a mascot that will be the best visual symbol of the fight against scams, and trigger mental association among members in Singapore households with the need to be vigilant against fraud, with a focus on positively inculcating in children and youths the appropriate mindsets and actions to enjoy digital banking services and the wider digital ecosystem safely.

The Mascot will identify and unify anti-scam education efforts to households by ABS and the banking sector, as with previous national mascots, for example, Teamy the Bee for the National Productivity Campaign and Singa the Lion for the National Courtesy Campaign.

The mascot will serve as a visual rallying point to invoke customers to remember to ‘STOP and CHECK before clicking, in support of the anti-scam programmes of ABS and its member banks, which will centre on the following themes:

• A recalibration towards prudence – a call to slow down, wait and check; • Continued need to be alert and vigilant – a reminder not to let one’s guard down, given our

inherent psychological weaknesses; and

• Everyone needs to play their part in making Singapore a safe Smart Nation

The winning mascot design will be used by ABS and its member banks in various anti-scam programmes. It will be deployed in a variety of mediums, including animations, marketing collaterals (such as key chains, fridge magnets, plush toys, car decals), and as a costumed character for roadshows, school skits and other activities.

The aim is to have the mascot be visually present throughout households to keep the anti-scam message top-of-mind among children, adults, and seniors. In circumstances where someone is being socially engineered by a scammer, the mascot could help break the train of thought and help him/her avoid being defrauded.


The Mascot design, name and any accompanying taglines must meet the following criteria:

a. The design must be an effective visual symbol for the fight against scams, by reminding

customers to be vigilant against fraud and to remember to ‘STOP and CHECK before clicking. ’ It should embody the following attributes:




Alert and vigilant

Savvy and empowered

c. The Mascot should encourage confidence in digital banking services and the broader digital

ecosystem, fostering a positive attitude towards being pro-active in safeguarding oneself against scams.

It should appeal primarily to children and youth, and be relatable to Singapore culture and norms, as well as be acceptable broadly by society.


e. The design must be practical and adaptable for use in different formats, mediums, platforms, sizes and for different purposes, e. g. , marketing collaterals (such as animations, key chains, fridge magnets, plush toys, car decals), as a plush toy, and as a costume.

f. The design must be original and created by the contestant, and does not contain, incorporate,

or use any content or material that is owned by a third party or entity.

g. No derogatory, offensive, threatening, defamatory, disparaging, libellous, inappropriate, indecent, sexual, profane, torturous, slanderous, discriminatory (in any way) designs; no design that promotes hatred or harm against any group or person.


Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:

• Appeal • Alignment to purpose • Adaptability for use in different forms, mediums, scale

Judging will be done by a panel of five judges as follows:

• Mrs Ong-Ang Ai Boon, Director ABS • Ms Loretta Yuen, Chair of the ABS Standing Committee on Fraud, Customer Education

Workstream, and Head of Group Legal and Compliance, OCBC Bank

• Ms Karen Ngui, Head of Group Strategic Marketing & Communications at ABS Chairman

bank, DBS Bank

• Mr Ng Khee Jin, Council Member of the National Crime Prevention Council and Creative

Partner, Kheej LLP

• Mr Tommy Lim, Creative Director, SPH Content Lab



First prize: Second prize: $3000 Third prize: $2000


The official competition period is from Tuesday, 16 April 2024 to Friday, 31 May 2024, both dates inclusive. Entry submissions before or after the official dates will be disqualified. All dates are subject to change.

Winners will be informed of the results by [17 June 2024]. They will be invited to receive their prize at the ABS Annual Dinner on 28 June 2024.


The Competition is open to all Singapore citizens, permanent residents, work permit, professional, and student pass, holders. Organisations are eligible to participate.


Each submission must contain the following information:

I/C or FIN Number

• Name • • Residential Address • Occupation • Email address • Name of mascot

Entries may include a tagline to accompany the mascot design.

Please include the name of your company if you are submitting an entry on behalf of your organisation.

Please submit all entries using the official entry form at https://abs. org. sg/consumer- banking/the-anti-scam-mascot-design-competition


The Competition is organised by ABS, with its principal place of business at 10 Shenton Way, #12-08, MAS Building, Singapore 079117.


The top three designs submitted shall become the property of ABS, which shall have the right to reproduce and adapt them in any format or platform, e. g. , photographs, slides, animation, as a Mascot character at roadshows, for publicity purposes.

All contestants must assign to ABS the right of reproduction of their works in the press, television and/or other publicity and print materials, e. g. , marketing collaterals, and produced in connection with any anti-scam initiative.


Entrants agree that the personal data submitted with an entry, including name, mailing address, phone number, and email address may be collected, processed, stored, and otherwise used by ABS and its stakeholders to conduct and administer the competition.

ABS reserves the right to publish the names and photos of any or all contestants and winners as well as any other entries on the contest site or through other media for publicity purposes.


ABS reserve the right to publish the names and photos of any or all contestants for publicity purposes.

By entering the Contest, entrants agree to participate in any media or promotional activity arising from the competition. ABS will inform contestants ahead of any media request for interviews.


Entrants warrant that their mascot designs are their own original work and, as such, they are the sole and exclusive owner and rights holder of the submitted mascot design and that they have the right to submit the mascot design in the Contest.


Any false information provided within the context of the Contest by Entrant concerning identity, mailing address, telephone number, email address, ownership of right or non-compliance with any competition requirements, may result in disqualification.


ABS is not responsible for any late, lost, damaged, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, undeliverable, or destroyed mascot designs.


If for any reason the competition cannot proceed as planned, ABS reserve the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the competition.


Submission of an entry signifies acceptance of the rules and regulations of the competition.

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